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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

Quick Fixes You Can Make on Your AC


Air conditioners can be finicky when we’re trying to get them to cool our homes during the summer. While we want to tell you to call a professional for help, the truth is that many homeowners want easy solutions to their problems that don’t include calling anyone.

Before we get into some quick fixes for your air conditioner, we want to say that professionals can always get to the bottom of an issue. Especially when they’re from a team like ours, we never shrug off a job too small or large, so a confused homeowner will do better having one of us take a look instead of performing small fixes on their own and hoping the problem goes away. We’re the team for fast AC repairs in Plano, TX.

That being said, if you are encountering trouble, here are some tips you can follow to make the job easier on your system and help mitigate damage before one of our Plano HVAC professionals get there to assist you.

Fixes for Your Home

Many fixes and repairs can’t be done by homeowners since HVAC systems are complicated machines that risk further damage if untrained hands open them up and start fiddling with things. That being said, there are things that homeowners can do for their system that will help extend the lifespan and fix minor problems. Let’s take a look at some of these repairs.

Check Your Electrical Panel

Electrical problems occur all the time. You wouldn’t believe how many homeowners call us when their air conditioner doesn’t turn on at all and panic thinking it’s broken down completely. Oftentimes, it’s just a problem with the power source.

Air conditioners consume a lot of energy, and in order to do that, they need to be supplied with energy from your home’s electrical system. Oftentimes, they trip a breaker and can’t start up because of an electrical problem. If your air conditioner isn’t turning on at all, take a look at your home electrical system and call a professional if you’re not familiar with it.

Change Your Filter

We know, we talk about changing your air conditioner’s filter all the time on this blog, but it’s for a very good reason. Filter changes are expected to be done by homeowners, which means they’re the perfect repair for people who are looking for a DIY solution. By changing your air filter, you’re making the job on your air conditioner easier, as well as improving the indoor air quality of the treated air that comes from your system. If you replace your air filter and still are encountering problems, call us.

Check Your Thermostat

Thermostats are the brains of your air conditioner. When there’s a problem with an air conditioner, you wouldn’t believe how many times we’re called to investigate and discover the culprit is actually the thermostat giving incorrect orders to your HVAC system.

Take a look at your thermostat and make sure that it’s functioning to your specifications. Change the temperature a little bit and take notice if your air conditioner follows suit. If there’s something wrong, or if you think you’ve got a thermostat that’s just too old or not working correctly, it’s time to get it replaced.

Call the pros at Aire Texas Residential Services, Inc. Doing it right the first time, every time!


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